
An up-to-date list is available on my Google Scholars.


  1. Sex and Region-Specific Differences in Microglial Morphology and Function Across Development
    Indra R Bishnoi, and Evan A Bordt
    Neuroglia, 2025


  1. Sex differences in sucrose-induced locomotor sensitization and cross-sensitization with the D2/D3 agonist quinpirole in rats
    Vangel Matic, Matthew Huynh, Indra R Bishnoi, and 2 more authors
    Research Square Preprint, 2024
  2. The missing half: Paternal immune activation’s role in transgenerational sex differences.
    Indra R Bishnoi, and Evan A Bordt
    Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2024
  3. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) attenuates the primary conditioning of lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced context aversion but not the secondary conditioning of context aversion or taste avoidance
    Indra R Bishnoi, Martin Kavaliers, and Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp
    Behavioural Brain Research, 2024


  1. Disgusted snails, oxytocin, and the avoidance of infection threat
    Martin Kavaliers, Deanne TO Wah, Indra R Bishnoi, and 2 more authors
    Hormones and Behavior, 2023
  2. Immune activation attenuates memory acquisition and consolidation of conditioned disgust (anticipatory nausea) in rats
    Indra R Bishnoi, Martin Kavaliers, and Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp
    Behavioural Brain Research, 2023


  1. Infection, learning, and memory: Focus on immune activation and aversive conditioning
    Indra R Bishnoi, Caylen J Cloutier, Cashmeira-Dove Tyson, and 3 more authors
    Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2022
  2. Odor-based mate choice copying in deer mice is not affected by familiarity or kinship
    Martin Kavaliers, Indra R Bishnoi, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, and 1 more author
    Animal Cognition, 2022
  3. Social factors and the neurobiology of pathogen avoidance
    Martin Kavaliers, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, Cashmeira-Dove Tyson, and 2 more authors
    Biology letters, 2022
  4. Disliking: from adaptive disgust to ugliness
    Christoph Klebl, Michael Donner, and Indra R Bishnoi
    In The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics, 2022
  5. Progesterone and disgust: A response to" progesterone does raise disgust"
    Martin Kavaliers, Indra R Bishnoi, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, and 1 more author
    Hormones and behavior, 2022


  1. Sex and age differences in locomotor and anxiety-like behaviors in rats: From adolescence to adulthood
    Indra R Bishnoi, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, and Martin Kavaliers
    Developmental psychobiology, 2021
  2. Differential effects of progesterone on social recognition and the avoidance of pathogen threat by female mice
    Martin Kavaliers, Indra R Bishnoi, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, and 1 more author
    Hormones and behavior, 2021


  1. Conspecific infection threat rapidly biases the social responses of female mice: involvement of oxytocin
    Martin Kavaliers, Douglas D Colwell, Deanne TO Wah, and 3 more authors
    Hormones and Behavior, 2019
  2. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced sickness in early adolescence alters the behavioral effects of the short-chain fatty acid, propionic acid, in late adolescence and adulthood: examining anxiety and startle reactivity
    Deanne Tak On Wah, Martin Kavaliers, Indra R Bishnoi, and 1 more author
    Behavioural Brain Research, 2019
  3. Predator odor exposure in early adolescence influences the effects of the bacterial product, propionic acid, on anxiety, sensorimotor gating, and acoustic startle response in male rats in later adolescence and adulthood
    Deanne Tak On Wah, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, Indra Bishnoi, and 1 more author
    Physiology & behavior, 2019
  4. Systemic treatment with the enteric bacterial fermentation product, propionic acid, reduces acoustic startle response magnitude in rats in a dose-dependent fashion: contribution to a rodent model of ASD
    Corey L Kamen, Danna L Zevy, Jordan M Ward, and 3 more authors
    Neurotoxicity Research, 2019